Co-op Store Openings

Delivering new store launches with impact

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Hyundai – Retailer Conference 2023

Immersing colleagues in the world of Hyundai for another year

As Hyundai’s trusted events partner since 2015, we’ve developed and delivered their annual Retailer Conference in many shapes and forms – including both live and virtual formats. And 2023 marked another exciting chapter in our journey…

Our opening plenary was scripted to set the tone for the rest of the day: to excite, engage and intrigue retailers

With a majority of the 300 delegates having attended the 2022 conference, we loved the challenge of taking this next iteration to new heights.

The structure of the day was staying the same, so we knew our focus had to be on the content – what was the most important thing to ingrain in retailers’ minds, and what experiences could we create to most effectively do this?

“Working closely with individual board members to capture and script the key messaging for each of their presentations, in their own tone of voice, resulted in a memorable plenary that presenters felt confident to deliver”

Lucy Cassidy - Scriptwriter

Our opening plenary was scripted to set the tone for the rest of the day: to excite, engage and intrigue retailers before they took part in four distinctly different breakouts. Each designed to empower them to take the steps necessary to thrive in a transforming industry.We’re talking an immersive cinema environment bringing to life ‘changing business models’ through film, as well as talks with guest speakers from industries that have experienced similar changes. All topped off with an exciting product walkaround to immerse delegates in the latest and greatest Hyundai models.

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