Samsung and fresh began our journey working together at start of 2020, delivering quarterly Contact Centre Roadshows across the UK and overseas, launching products to advisors with training they could convert into sales.
But what can you do when the roadshow can’t go on the road?
Together we devised Live Broadcast Quarterly Roadshows to be delivered via a custom-built microsite.
With a roadmap of Samsung product launches it was crucial to continue training contact centre advisors, so together we devised Live Broadcast Quarterly Roadshows to be delivered via a custom-built microsite.
From creative destinations in a virtual studio to an interactive 3D-world with products advisors could get virtually hands-on with, we utilised new technologies to engage advisors globally beyond the UK-wide roadshow in ‘high impact’ training that was more exciting, interactive, and measurable.
This pioneering campaign ran in tandem with our ‘always-on’ Virtual Samsung Product Specialist training programme, which you can read more about here.
The Samsung Contact Centre Virtual Roadshow set
Content all delivered through a custom built portal
Our door's always open and we'd love to chat to you about bringing your next big idea to life